Книга - Palmist
- Жанры:
- Новинки / Лучшие книги
Рейтинг книги
- Автор: Tsvetana Alekhina
- Объем страниц: 270 стр.
- Год: 19 января 2022
- ISBN: 9785005595423
- Размер: 125 Мб
Palmistry is an ancient, widespread, well-known divination by the lines of the hands. Pedomancy — reading fate in the footsteps of the feet. This is more accurate divination, thanks to this gift — a pedomancer can foresee the exact date and time of his prediction. My main character is a hereditary pedomancer. One day he will encounter a dancer who is being held captive by a slave trader. I named the book Palmist to make the title more colorful. I wish you a pleasant reading.