No Man's Land

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No Man's Land – the debut novel by Bernard Lovink – tells the story of a man whose «freedom» unexpectedly falls into his lap.

Not everyone finds satisfaction in hurtling through time aboard the overcrowded train called «society», Lovink writes in his foreword. Our protagonist, Chris Janssen – later N. – narrowly escapes an inferno. He is faced with a split-second decision that will determine the trajectory of the rest of his life. But does he have the strength of character to use it for good? Or will he stumble into the same old pitfalls? The plan he creates to escape his old life – after some minor mishaps – is ingenious. But is he going to overplay his hand? His approach may elicit sympathy at first, but will quickly horrify as Lovink captivates readers with a riveting story full of unexpected twists and turns