Читать книгу Сельский вампир и другие истории Отца Брауна / Vampire of the Village and other Father Brown Stories. Уровень 3 онлайн

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Сельский вампир и другие истории Отца Брауна / Vampire of the Village and other Father Brown Stories. Уровень 3

© Минко А. А., адаптация, словарь, 2022

© ООО «Издательство АСТ», 2022

The Vampire of the Village

At the twist of a road in the hills, where two trees stood up like pyramids much tallerthan the small village of Potter’s Pond, just a group of houses, there once walked a man in a costume of a very interesting cut and colour, wearing a bright magenta jacketand a white hat on top of black beautiful hair.

was but one of the many riddleswere eventually solved in solving the mystery

he had been overheard apparently arguingthough probably only made with some sort of club

there was something rich and fruity about his body shape and rather red faceIn spite of the somewhat heavy appearance of the doctora man of very remarkable sensewhom he get familiar with over a poisoning case long ago

The spinsters are really spinsters – damn it, you could almost see them spinwho is just like a Dickens illustration
