Читать книгу Щенок Элли, или Долгая дорога домой / Ellie the Homesick Puppy онлайн

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‘I’ll do my best[70],’ Gran promised. ‘I think Sid would leave home if a dog came and tried to sleep on my bed with him, but how about I give Ellie a hot water bottle?’

Megan nodded sadly, as she pictured Ellie spending the night on her own.

‘It’s only for two days, Megan,’ Dad said, putting an arm around her shoulders. ‘Ellie will be fine.’

Ellie hopped into her cage happily enough, expecting Megan to come and sit next to her on the back seat. She would probably waggle her fingers through the door and tickle her ears.

But Gran was getting into the car without Megan. Ellie looked around anxiously, and barked to tell her she’d made a mistake. Gran looked back over her shoulder, and smiled. ‘It’s all right, Ellie. Shh-shh. Don’t worry, we’ll see Megan again soon.’


Megan was clinging to her mum’s arm, trying to stop herself racing after Ellie and yelling at Gran to stop the car. ‘Oh, Mum, listen to her howling,’ she said miserably. ‘She’s so upset. Does she really have to go to Gran’s?’
