Читать книгу Воля и самоконтроль: Как гены и мозг мешают нам бороться с соблазнами онлайн

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2. Muraven M., Collins R. L., Nienhaus K. Self-control and alcohol restraint: an initial application of the self-control strength model // Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. 2002 Jun; 16 (2): 113–20.

3. Muraven M., Tice D. M., Baumeister R. F. Self-control as limited resource: regulatory depletion patterns // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 1998 Mar; 74 (3): 774–89.

4. Gordijn E. H., Hindriks I., Koomen W., Dijksterhuis A., Van Knippenberg A. Consequences of stereotype suppression and internal suppression motivation: a self-regulation approach // Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 2004 Feb; 30 (2): 212–24.

5. Finkel E. J., Campbell W. K. Self-control and accommodation in close relationships: an interdependence analysis // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2001 Aug; 81 (2): 263–77.

6. Vohs K. D., Baumeister R. F., Ciarocco N. J. Self-regulation and self-presentation: regulatory resource depletion impairs impression management and effortful self-presentation depletes regulatory resources // Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2005 Apr; 88 (4): 632–57.
