Читать книгу Guía de Derecho Civil. Teoría y práctica (Tomo III). Teoría general del contrato y contratos en particular. онлайн

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Chapter 3: Marketing and pre-Contractual duties

Section 1: Information duties

II. – 3:101: Duty to disclose information about goods and services

II. – 3:102: Specific duties for businesses marketing goods or services to consumers

II. – 3:103: Duty to provide information when concluding contract with a consumer who is at a particular disadvantage

II. – 3:104: Information duties in direct and immediate distance communication

II. – 3:105: Formation by electronic means

II. – 3:106: Clarity and form of information

II. – 3:107: Remedies for breach of information duties

Section 2: Duty to prevent input errors

II. – 3:201: Correction of input errors

Section 3: Negotiation and confidentiality duties

II. – 3:301: Negotiations contrary to good faith and fair dealing

II. – 3:302: Breach of confidentiality

Section 4: Unsolicited goods or services

II. – 3:401 No obligation arising from failure to respond

Chapter 4: Formation

Section 1: General provisions

II. – 4:101: Requirements for the conclusion of a contract
