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This will signal the arrival of the golden age of Victimology!

Let me end this brief preface with a word of caution and a glimpse of hope. The prominence that Victimology is likely to achieve among social sciences in the future will not be without risks. Just like its sister discipline, Criminology, the young science of Victimology is particularly vulnerable to distortion, pressure, manipulation, and exploitation. Victimologists will need to always be on their guard to avoid being manipulated or exploited for political or other ends. The fact that Victimology is an interdisciplinary science will provide some protective shields. At the same time, it creates enormous possibilities for cooperation, collaboration and cross-fertilization with many other disciplines. Victimology will be urged to look far beyond its traditional frontiers, to broaden its horizon, extend its boundaries and to tackle areas and problems that, at present, are not part of its current subject-matter. In fact, there seems to be no bounds to the issues, problems and questions that Victimology of the future will be asked to address, study and analyze. And this, in turn, will create limitless opportunities for strongly motivated and well-meaning students and researchersssss1.
