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Please, try to explain what Nils Christie wants to transmit in relation with the notion of victimhood and make your own commentary to this excerpt.


Visit the webpage called “Victim-centred approaches to tackling hate – Tackling Hate”ssss1, read the following excerpt from that web page and do a role-playing imagining you start interviewing a victim because you work for an NGO helping them to get support and justice.

Organisations and frontline practitioners need to be aware that many individuals who suffer hate victimisation do not feel like a victim despite being named as such by the organisations they get in touch with. Moreover, many of these individuals reject being seen and labelled as victims due to a sense of disempowerment associated with it. The universal labelling of those affected by crime as ‘victims’ has been criticised for assigning these individuals a social role of passivity and forgiveness. Besides, contrasting concepts of victimhood among cultures can make the term ‘victim’ culturally inappropriate when dealing with culturally and linguistically diverse people.
