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Dubberlay, S., Griffin, E. and Bal, H. M. (2015). Making Secondary Trauma a Primary Issue: A Study of Eyewitness Media and Vicarious Trauma on the Digital Frontline. Istanbul: Eyewitness Media Hub.

Fattah, E. (2006). From Victimology of the act to Victimology of action and the resulting impoverishment of the scholarly discipline of Victimology, accessible at http://www.wolfpublishers.com/docs/69.pdf.

Fileborn, B. (2017). Justice 2.0: Street harassment victims’ use of social media and online activism as sites of informal justice. British journal of criminology, 57(6), 1482-1501.

Gallo, C. and Elias, E. (2016). Punishment or solidarity: Comparing the U.S. and Swedish victim movements. In D. Spencer & S. Walklate (Eds.) Reconceptualizing Critical Victimology. Interventions and Possibilities (pp. 79-94). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Gallo, C. y Elias, R. (2018). Más allá del castigo. El surgimiento del movimiento de víctimas en los Estados Unidos y Suecia. Revista de Victimología/Journal of Victimology, (8), 9-34.
