Читать книгу Innovación Docente y Ciencia Jurídica (ahora en tiempos del COVID-19) онлайн

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Palabras clave: COVID-19, Derecho internacional privado, metodología docente, sistema de evaluación, Plan Bolonia.

Abstract: Consequence of the exceptional situation caused by COVID-19, and in view of the need to adapt the Spanish university system to non-attendance, the development of teaching activity corresponding to the second semester of the 2019/2020 academic year of the subject Private international law of the Degree in Law from the Miguel Hernández University of Elche (UMH) in less than 72 hours we had to “design a new subject” based on the necessary adaptation of teaching and the evaluation system to the non-classroom format, which led us to introduce changes in the teaching methodology and in the evaluation system applicable in that exception period (according to the Reflections of the Ministry of Universities, of April 4, 2020, on general criteria for the adaptation of the Spanish university system to the COVID-19 pandemic, during the 2019 academic year -2020, as well as the REACU Agreement of April 3, 2020, given the exceptional situation caused by COVID-19). Those “COVID-19 changes” seem to have come to stay, as they will continue during the 2020/2021 academic year, with the aim of continuing to adapt to the health emergency context in which we find ourselves and maintain a remarkable success rate of the subjects taught by the Private International Law Area of the Miguel Hernández de Elche University (UMH). It seems that COVID-19 had to come in order, years later, to adapt to the Bologna Plan.
