Читать книгу I Congreso Internacional de trabajo social digital. del 28 al 30 de septiembre de 2020 онлайн

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Practicum opportunities with the Center on Immigration and Child Welfare enable students to directly participate in key elements of macro social work practice in an online environment. Students are able to engage in policy analysis and advocacy, research, and the development and dissemination of practice and policy recommendations and resources. All of these activities work toward the Center’s overarching goal of effecting systems-level change to improve programs and policies related to immigrant children and families involved in the public child welfare system in order to achieve positive outcomes of safety, permanency and well-being. Students are challenged to identify and apply the traditional practice behaviors and competencies of social work in the macro level, online context, exploring how to 1) demonstrate ethical and professional behavior; 2) engage diversity and difference; to advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice; 3) engage in practice-in-formed research and research-informed practice; and 4) assess, intervene, and evaluate practice with organizations, communities, and systems.
