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too was similarly emotionally starved? For many people the ancestral chain of traumatised mothers stretches back and back – generation after generation of mothers who do not want their children, do not love them enough and cannot protect them from violence. Therefore it makes no sense to honour the ancestral line. It is better to start building a new healthy line.


Without a mother’s love, a child can only barely get through life. It survives, yes, but its life is far worse than it is good. This child adapts and appears to be ‘functioning’, they do the tasks and duties assigned to them, they care for and look after others. If they go on to become a mother or father themselves, they unconsciously pass on their ingrained basic attitudes to life to their own children: ‘Don’t expect too much from your parents’, ‘Be grateful that they have provided you with the basic necessities of life’, ‘Be reasonable’, ‘You have a responsibility to your family’, ‘Just behave yourself and don’t mess around’, ‘Other children aren’t any better off than you’, ‘In Africa, children are starving’, ‘Remember, you have to take care of your parents in their old age’ etc.
