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He pinned her against the wall, his arms wrapped around her waist, and then he pulled back quickly.

Anna, disheveled, leaned heavily against the wall, the Falcon's pupils dilated, and his breathing became heavy and ragged. Seeing his reaction, the Countess smiled wearily. The pale young man stared at her speechlessly and breathed heavily.

– Do you know, Edward, I remember your mother, she had the same wonderful emerald eyes.

– Don't talk to me about her, you're a witch, – the young man hissed.

The girl ran her hands over her face, as if trying to take the weariness out of it, and continued:

– This' brainless doll ' sacrificed her reputation and her life to save you and keep you as the head of the clan. Knowing in advance that the son, who was the meaning of life, would hate her…

Tears flickered in the Countess ' eyes, but only for a moment.

– What are you talking about? How do you know her?

He grabbed Anna by the shoulders and began to shake her, but she did not resist, just looked into his eyes from under the stray strands.
