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Anna was silent for a moment.

– You, as a healer, have realized that I have almost no magic. In fact, I am an ordinary person.

The Falcon didn't take his eyes off her.

– And the fact that you were able to not just resist the black sorcerer, but without much effort to destroy his charms, also happened without magic?

– Yes. But do not think that it happened quite effortlessly. Faith in my own word was not easy for me and not in one day.

– A hare, – said Arthur suddenly. – Where did he come from? Already ran away. There is no one in the world more cowardly than these animals.

– You think so? – Anna asked suddenly.

– Is there any doubt about that? – Edward chuckled.

The girl was silent for a moment, and then said:

– This animal always knows in advance when a predator that surpasses it in everything is on the trail. He knows, but he's in no hurry to run away. He waits until the last minute, until the moment when the enemy's teeth are ready to close on his throat. And then the hare suddenly escapes from the deadly trap. He loops as he runs, shows wonders of speed and endurance, and finally leaves the attacker with a nose, proving that he is worthy to live. So who do you think is cowardly? The hare or the one who attacks it?
