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– Why were you sentenced to death, Lady Raine? – The Falcon's voice sounded like a bolt from the blue.

Arthur and Robin flinched, but Anna remained unperturbed. She smiled faintly as she poured herself a glass of water.

– For treason to the crown, – she said, as if she had just reported a change in the weather.

There was silence for a few moments.

– And why are you still alive, madame? – Robin asked, equally evenly.

– There are many reasons for this, Your Majesty, and they are long to tell.

– Well, I'm in no hurry, and I'm ready to listen.

– As you command. It would certainly be better if you learned about everything from the secret archives. But, as I understand it, you have not yet managed to break the protection.

Arthur choked, and Edward glanced at the door.

– I was first accused of having an affair with the Arenian king.

– In what connection exactly? – Falcon asked.

– The one you just thought of. The second was the accusation of the transfer of the County of the Rhine and the Duchy of Oden to the side of the enemy power. And then there are the little things: passing on the secrets of magical inventions over the past three hundred years, debauchery, and an attempt to poison the monarch.
