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– Anna, – a child's voice said suddenly.

The girl smiled at Augustus as she continued walking.

– I was told you were looking for me.

– Yes. I need your help. Please pluck a branch from the old juniper tree in the back yard and bring it to the room that opens onto the pillared hall.

The child looked at her in surprise, and at the same time saw the whole plan of the future movement in his imagination.

– You should be there by midnight.

– I'll do it, – she heard a voice behind her.

With her inner vision, Anna quickly entered the stable and said softly:

– Flame.

The bay leader, flanked by two grooms, shuddered.

Realizing that her friend had heard her, she said:

– Home.

Realizing the order, Flame immediately rushed to the exit.

– Hey, where are you going? – The man yelled, trying to grab the horse's bridle.

Immediately an assistant ran up to him and threw a noose around the animal's neck. A few moments later, an interesting sight opened up to the crowd of onlookers. With a sharp blow, the stable gate was carried out by a wild stallion, which rushed forward like a whirlwind. The battered grooms ran after him, shouting: " Hold him!"
