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– I can only see the way out in retreat, – Duke Kern was saying. – Yes, if we put the main force out now, we might win, but at what cost? One battle won will result in the complete ruin of the country for us.

– It's also unavoidable in a retreat, – Robin said.

– Yes, but at least we'll have a chance, – Edward insisted.

– I don't think so, – the king said again, looking grimly ahead.

– I agree with the Duke of Lanberg. It is better to strike a decisive blow now, and then arrange a guerrilla war for the remnants of their troops.

– Wake up, Robin, after such a meat grinder, there will be no one to go to the partisans.

The young king sighed heavily.

– Then so be it. In the battle of the mages, they will try to destroy us at any cost.

– You won't take part in it. It's too much of a risk. If they kill you, there will be no Adenia, – Duke Ereman shook his head.

– There are still worthy pretenders to the throne in Adenia, and I will not hide behind my own subjects. This will not inspire anyone, the soldiers are already discouraged. The forces are unequal.
