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Greetings, dear reader. This is a pilot issue of a new newspaper that will be published on a regular basis. It will publish various excerpts of my works, illustrations for them. In each issue you will be able to read them and be aware of all new developments.

From zero to one hundred

Exactly a few days ago I published my first book. (modeling as a hobby) or (how to learn to sculpt). Since then I have published ten books. We can say that there are only five of them, since each was published with a duplicate in English. The most popular of them is the line of books "Knights of Darkness" and also "modeling as a hobby." My dream was to collect a hundred downloads before the new year, but alas, this dream failed to come true. After all, each of these books brought me unprecedented downloads. At the moment (when I am writing this issue of the newspaper) I have ninety-one downloads on all my books. I do not get upset because I have not achieved the set goal, but strive for it and think about how to achieve it faster.
