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ssss1 Ch. ix. § 10.

ssss1 § 1, above.

ssss1 Ch. vii. § 17; ch. xix. § 8.

ssss1 Ezech. xviii. 21: "Si autem impius egerit poenitentiam, … vita vivet, et non morietur. Omnium iniquitatum ejus … non recordabor."

ssss1 See ch. x. § 2, and ch. xi. § 22.

Chapter IX.


The Means Whereby Our Lord Quickened Her Soul, Gave Her Light in Her Darkness, and Made Her Strong in Goodness.

1. My soul was now grown weary; and the miserable habits it had contracted would not suffer it to rest, though it was desirous of doing so. It came to pass one day, when I went into the oratory, that I saw a picture which they had put by there, and which had been procured for a certain feast observed in the house. It was a representation of Christ most grievously wounded; and so devotional, that the very sight of it, when I saw it, moved me--so well did it show forth that which He suffered for us. So keenly did I feel the evil return I had made for those wounds, that I thought my heart was breaking. I threw myself on the ground beside it, my tears flowing plenteously, and implored Him to strengthen me once for all, so that I might never offend Him any more.
