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ssss1 Ch. xi. § 24.

ssss1 Philipp. iv. 13; "Omnia possum in Eo."

ssss1 Confess. x. ch. 29: "Da quod jubes, et jube quod vis."

ssss1 St. Matt. xiv. 30: "Videns vero ventum validum, timuit."

ssss1 Ch. vii. §§ 27, 31.

ssss1 Ch. vii. § 16.

ssss1 See ch. xxxi. § 7, and ch. xxxix. § 14.

ssss1 Ch. xii. § 3.

ssss1 See St. John of the Cross, Living Flame, pp. 267, 278–284, Engl. trans.

ssss1 See ch. xv. § 20.

ssss1 § 18.

ssss1 Prudence, experience, and learning; see § 24.

ssss1 Dan. xii. 3: "Qui autem docti fuerint, fulgebunt quasi splendor firmamenti."

ssss1 § 19.

Chapter XIV.


The Second State of Prayer. Its Supernatural Character.

1. Having spoken of the toilsome efforts and of the strength required for watering the garden when we have to draw the water out of the well, let us now speak of the second manner of drawing the water, which the Lord of the vineyard has ordained; of the machine of wheel and buckets whereby the gardener may draw more water with less labour, and be able to take some rest without being continually at work. This, then, is what I am now going to describe; and I apply it to the prayer called the prayer of quiet.
