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ssss1 See Way of Perfection, ch. liii., but ch. xxxii of the old edition.

ssss1 St. Matt. xvii. 4: "Bonum est nos hic esse."

ssss1 See ch. xvii. § 6.

ssss1 Ch. x. § 1.

ssss1 Ch. xiv. §§ 3, 4.

ssss1 Ch. x. § 9.

ssss1 Ch. xviii. § 4, and ch. xxi. § 9.

ssss1 § 3.

ssss1 § 5.

ssss1 Ch. x. § 1.

ssss1 St. Luke xviii. 13: "Nolebat nec oculos ad coelum levare."

ssss1 Ch. xii. § 5.

ssss1 "Firmeza en la verdad." Francisco de St. Thoma, in his Medulla Mystica, p. 204, quoting this passage, has, "firmeza en la voluntad." Philip a SS. Trinitate, Theolog. Mystic. p. 354, and his Abbreviator, Anton. a Sp. Sancto, Direct. Mystic. tr. iv. disp. i. § 11, n. 94, seem also to have preferred "voluntad" to "verdad;" for the words they use are, "nec intellectui lux nec voluntati firmitas;" and, "defectus lucis in intellectu, et firmitatis in voluntate."

ssss1 Ch. xi. § 16.

ssss1 Ch. xiii. § 23.

ssss1 St. Matt. xvi. 24: "Tollat crucem suam et sequatur Me."

ssss1 "Fiel temor." In the previous editions it was filial.
