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20. In the beginning, it happened to me that I was ignorant of one thing--I did not know that God was in all things: ssss1 and when He seemed to me to be so near, I thought it impossible. Not to believe that He was present, was not in my power; for it seemed to me, as it were, evident that I felt there His very presence. Some unlearned men used to say to me, that He was present only by His grace. I could not believe that, because, as I am saying, He seemed to me to be present Himself: so I was distressed. A most learned man, of the Order of the glorious Patriarch St. Dominic, delivered me from this doubt; for he told me that He was present, and how He communed with us: this was a great comfort to me.

21. It is to be observed and understood that this water from heaven,--this greatest grace of our Lord--always leaves in the soul the greatest fruits, as I shall now show.

ssss1 See ch. xi. § 11.

ssss1 Ch. xvi. §§ 7, 8.

ssss1 Ch. xvii. § 5.

ssss1 § 3.

ssss1 See ch. xx. § 10; and Relation, viii. § 10.
