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24. Let them remember His words, and behold what He hath done unto me, who grew weary of sinning before He grew weary of forgiving. He is never weary of giving, nor can His compassion be exhausted. Let us not grow weary ourselves of receiving. May He be blessed for ever, Amen; and may all created things praise Him!

ssss1 See ch. xx. § 2.

ssss1 See ch. xvii. § 3.

ssss1 Ch. vii. § 17, and ch. viii. § 5.

ssss1 Psalm cxviii. 137: "Thou art just, O Lord, and Thy judgment is right."

ssss1 See ch. xxv.

ssss1 See ch. viii. § 1.

ssss1 Ch. vii. § 17.

ssss1 Ch. vii. § 27.

ssss1 Ch. xxxi. § 21.

ssss1 Ch. xx. § 33, and ch. xxv. § 24.

ssss1 Ch. xix. § 4.

ssss1 See § 16.

Chapter XX.


The Difference Between Union and Rapture. What Rapture Is. The Blessing It Is to the Soul. The Effects of It.

1. I wish I could explain, with the help of God, wherein union differs from rapture, or from transport, or from flight of the spirit, as they speak, or from a trance, which are all one. ssss1 I mean, that all these are only different names for that one and the same thing, which is also called ecstasy. ssss1 It is more excellent than union, the fruits of it are much greater, and its other operations more manifold; for union is uniform in the beginning, the middle, and the end, and is so also interiorly. But as raptures have ends of a much higher kind, they produce effects both within and without. ssss1 As our Lord has explained the other matters, so also may He explain this; for certainly, if He had not shown me in what way and by what means this explanation was in some measure possible, I should never have been able to do it.
