Читать книгу The Complete Works of Algernon Blackwood. Novels, Short Stories, Horror Classics, Occult & Supernatural Tales, Plays онлайн

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"Dear old South Wind," cried Jimbo, rubbing his hands with delight. "I hope it will blow soon."

"Its rhyme is very easy, too, though you will always be able to tell it without that," she added.

"For this is the favourite Wind of all,

Beloved of the stars and night;

In the rustle of leaves you shall hear it call

To the passionate joys of flight.

It will carry you forth in its wonderful hair

To the far-away courts of the sky,

And the breath of its lips is a murmuring prayer

For the safety of all who fly.

For the Wind of the South

Is like wine in the mouth,

With its whispering showers

And perfume of flowers,

When it falls like a sigh

From the heart of the sky."

"Oh!" interrupted Jimbo, rubbing his hands, "that is nice. That's my wind!"

"It will bear you aloft

With a pressure so soft

That you hardly shall guess

Whose the gentle caress."

"Hooray!" he cried again.

"It's the kindest of weathers

For our red feathers,

And blows open the way

To the Gardens of Play.

So, fly out with the Wind of the South, my child,
