Читать книгу The Complete Works of Algernon Blackwood. Novels, Short Stories, Horror Classics, Occult & Supernatural Tales, Plays онлайн

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'Now you're in properly—at last!'

'You needn't pretend any more '

'But we knew all along you were really trying hard to get in?'

'I really believe I was,' said he, getting in a chance remark.

They covered him with kisses.

'We never thought you were as important as you pretended,' Jonah said; 'and your being so big made no difference.'

'Or your beard, Uncle Paul,' added Toby.

'And we never think people old till they're married,' Jonah explained, putting the mitre on his uncle's head.

'So now we can have our aventures all together,' exclaimed Nixie, kissing him swiftly, and leaping off his knee. The other two followed her example, and suddenly—he never quite understood how it happened so quickly—the summer-house was empty, and he was alone with the moonlight. A flash of white petticoats and slender black legs on the lawn, and lo, they were gone!

On the gravel path outside sounded a quick step. Paul started with surprise. The very next minute Mile. Fleury, in her town clothes and hat, appeared round the corner.
