Читать книгу The Complete Works of Algernon Blackwood. Novels, Short Stories, Horror Classics, Occult & Supernatural Tales, Plays онлайн

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And leave on your forehead

The marks of my toes.

When you're trying to finish

Your "i "with a dot,

I slip down your finger

And make it a blot;

And when you're so busy

To cross a big "T,"

I make on the paper

A little Black Sea.

I drink blotting-paper,

Eat penwiper-pie,

You never can catch me,

You never need try!

I hop any distance,

I use any ink!

I'm on to your fingers

Before you can wink.'

Paul's back was to the door. He was in the act of making up a new verse, and declaiming it, when he was aware that a change had come suddenly over the room. It was manifest from the faces of the children. Their attention had wandered; they were looking past him—beyond him.

And when he turned to discover the cause of the distraction he looked straight into the grey eyes of a woman—grave-faced, with an expression of strength^ and sweetness. As he did so the opening words of verse four slipped out in spite of themselves:—

'I'm the blackest of goblins,

I revel in smears—'

He smothered the accusing statement with a cough that was too late to disguise it, while the grey eyes looked steadily into his with a twinkle their' owner made no attempt to conceal. The same instant the children rushed past him to welcome her.
