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Pour me guider par les chemins

Donnez vos yeux, donnez vos mains,

Vos mains d'lnfante dans les miennes.

From Les Unes et les Autres.

There is nothing to be gained by dwelling upon sadness; the details of Paul's suffering may be left to the imagination. It was characteristic of him that he sought instinctively, and without cant, for the Reality that lay behind his pain; and Reality—though seas of grief may first be plunged through to find it—is always Joy. For love is joy, and joy is strength, and both are aspects of the great central Reality of the life of the soul. The child was so woven into the strands of his inmost being that her going seemed, as it were, to draw out with her these very strands—drew them out away from himself towards—towards what? He hardly knew how to name it. The word 'God' rarely passed his lips: towards 'Reality,' then; towards the deep things he had sought all his life.

Part of himself, however, the child had taken away with her. He passed more and more away from the things of the world, though these had never yet held him with any security in their mesh. Nixie had gone ahead, that was all. Before long, as years measure time at least, he would follow her. She might even come back, Mike the trees in the spring,' to tell him of the way.
