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“I've been hoping to know the teachers. You see, I was a librarian —— ”

“Oh, you needn't tell me. I know all about you! Awful how much I know — this gossipy village. We need you so much here. It's a dear loyal town (and isn't loyalty the finest thing in the world!) but it's a rough diamond, and we need you for the polishing, and we're ever so humble —— ” She stopped for breath and finished her compliment with a smile.

“If I COULD help you in any way —— Would I be committing the unpardonable sin if I whispered that I think Gopher Prairie is a tiny bit ugly?”

“Of course it's ugly. Dreadfully! Though I'm probably the only person in town to whom you could safely say that. (Except perhaps Guy Pollock the lawyer — have you met him? — oh, you MUST! — he's simply a darling — intelligence and culture and so gentle.) But I don't care so much about the ugliness. That will change. It's the spirit that gives me hope. It's sound. Wholesome. But afraid. It needs live creatures like you to awaken it. I shall slave-drive you!”
