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Ed and George were for getting their guns and going after the birds at once, but Ben told them to wait. He explained that when the geese first settled on the lake they were wary and suspicious, but said that after a while, if not molested, they would begin to feed, and might then be approached more easily.

The boys grew very impatient as the afternoon wore on, and finally sneaked away to the lake to have a look at the geese while Ben was busy. They could hear the birds calling somewhere out on the water, and when near the lake threw themselves flat on their stomachs and crawled carefully along. They peered from behind a big boulder; and there, but a short distance away, was the flock, feeding and splashing about in fancied security.

“Great Scott! Why didn’t we bring our guns?” demanded Ed, in a disgusted whisper.

“You go back and get them, and I’ll stay here and watch,” replied George, crouching lower behind the rock as one of the great birds raised itself on the water and flapped its wings. “We’ll get one for supper and surprise Ben,” he added, chuckling at the thought.
