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Ben came out holding something in his hat. When he sat down beside them, they saw that he had one of the squirrels. He said he had caught it with his hands, using the felt hat to protect him from the sharp teeth of the little creature, which would not hesitate to use them. He held the squirrel in such a manner that the boys were enabled to examine the loose folds of skin which extended down the inside of each leg, almost to its toes. They noted that when the animal spread its legs this skin formed a sort of parachute which enabled the squirrel to sail from a higher to a lower position.

When they had studied the odd little rodent thoroughly, Ben released it, expecting it would run up the side of a near-by tree. Instead, thoroughly frightened, it turned and ran up the nearest object, which happened to be Ben’s left trouser-leg.

The boys rolled over the ground in spasms of laughter, while the guide hopped about endeavoring to shake the squirrel down. After great exertion he finally succeeded, and the panic-stricken little creature ran up the trunk of a convenient pine and hid itself among the branches.
