Читать книгу Cardinal Pole; Or, The Days of Philip and Mary. An Historical Romance онлайн

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“His Highness drinks to you all, good Sirs!” cried the Earl of Arundel, in a loud voice.

“To all, of whatever degree!” said the Prince, raising the goblet to his lips.

Most opportunely, at the moment, another discharge was fired from the castle guns, followed by a loud flourish of trumpets and drums. From the shouts that were also raised, it was evident that the Prince was rising rapidly in popular favour.

“How does your Highness like the beverage?” inquired the Earl of Arundel, as he took back the goblet.

“It will improve upon acquaintance, I make no doubt,” replied Philip. “At present, I find it somewhat too potent.”

“A strong head is needed to stand it,” observed the Lord Admiral, with an ill-disguised sneer.

After this, Philip remained for some little time beneath the canopy, conversing with the English nobles, and evidently striving to propitiate them, and he appeared to be successful in his efforts. He showed himself extremely easy of access, and amongst other persons presented to him was Rodomont Bittern.

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