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“Do any of you know this man?” demanded Philip, after regarding him stedfastly for a short space.

“By the body of Saint Alphonso, which reposes at Zamora! I should blush to avow myself acquainted with the felon hound,” rejoined Rodomont. “But luckily I have never seen him before; and everyone else appears to be in the same predicament. How art thou called, fellow? Speak out, or the thumb-screw shall force the truth from thee.”

“Torture would not make me speak,” replied the man, firmly. “But I have no desire to conceal my name. It will profit you little to know it. I am called Derrick Carver, and I am of Brightelmstone, in Sussex.”

“Derrick, thou art most appropriately named Carver,” rejoined Rodomont; “but instead of carving his Highness, as was thine atrocious design, thou shalt thyself be carved by the knife of the executioner.”

“By whom wert thou instigated to this attempt?” demanded Philip. “Some greater hand than thine own is manifest in the design.”

“A far greater hand,” rejoined Derrick Carver. “The hand of Heaven is manifest in it.”
