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JACK. Yes.

BROXOPP. What does he say about it?

JACK (knowing that it’s got to come now). Well, that’s just it. You see Iris and I—I mean he and I—well, of course I always thought so—I mean I don’t want you to think that Iris—though naturally she agrees with me—well, we think, I mean I think—oh, thank the Lord—here is Iris.

(IRIS comes in with NANCY—tall, cool, confident, [33]with something of the boy in her; utterly honest and unafraid. But even if you don’t like these qualities, you forgive her because she is lovely.)

NANCY. Jack’s told you, Jim?

BROXOPP. Yes, the rascal. Iris! (He holds out his hands to her.)

IRIS (taking them). Daddy Broxopp! Bend down. (He bends towards her and she kisses him gently on the forehead.) There! You don’t mind being called Daddy Broxopp? Nancy doesn’t mind; I mean being called Nancy. I’ve been talking it over with her, and she’s going to let me call her Nancy because she’s so young and pretty.

BROXOPP (enjoying it). And I’m not young and pretty?

IRIS. No, you’re middle-aged and Broxoppy. It’s a nice thing to be.
