Читать книгу Verification of M.Faraday's hypothesis on the gravitational power lines онлайн

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Gravimagnetic effect can be detected not only by the precession of gyroscopes or "rotating frame", but also for deceleration or acceleration of the satellite depending on the direction of the force lines of the gravitational field and the direction of motion of gravitating bodies. Seems anomalies in the movement of the "Pioneers" in their acceleration or deceleration depending on the position in respect of gravitating bodies are also a consequence of gravimagnetic interaction [3].

In this work the effect of gravimagnetism is considered on the example of anomalously high speed braking satellites of the moon and the laws of planetary and satellite distances, which, as it turns out, is also related to gravimagnetism through the rotation parameters central bodies.

2. Gravimagnetic power

Continuing the analogy with electrodynamics, braking force when interacting gravitating bodies can be expressed by the formula similar to the known electrodynamics equation of the Lorentz force:


Where f is the force gravimagnetic interaction of bodies with masses M and m, remote distance r squared and moving relative to each other with velocity v in the direction at an angle α to the intensity vector gravimagnetic field, G is a gravitational constant and C is a constant with the dimension of velocity cm/sec. This will Illustrate scheme, see 1 a and b.
