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The fifth chapter considers the nature of gravimagnetism. Based on the premise that electric charges do not exist, and their functions are carried out by elementary particles, due to the high density of matter in them (~ 10*12 g / cm3) and high rotation speeds (~ 10*15s*-1), the mechanism of magnetic fields formation, according to which the magnetic field induced by the mass of the shear deformation of the electrostatic (microgravity) field and the gravitational field. In the first case realize a field with high intensity, but it is effective at short distances. In the second case, the field has a relatively small stresses, but extends over long distances. The first kind of magnetism, taking into account the tradition, it is proposed to call electromagnetism, the second – gravimagnetism.

One of the cosmological paradoxes (it is sometimes called Newton's paradox) is that despite the absence of symmetric repulsive force gravitational force of attraction did not cause the collapse of the universe. This paradox has stimulated numerous attempts to detect cosmic repulsive force, which in size would be commensurate with the gravity. In the sixth chapter we prove that cosmic repulsive force in space has a dynamic nature. It occurs when the body has a mass moves in the magnetic (gravimagnetic) field, which is formed by the other body. This gravimetric force is similar to the electromagnetic Lorentz-Ampere force in atomic systems. Gravity and magnetic repulsive force is proportional to the square of the velocity of the moving body, the masses of interacting bodies, Sinus of the angle between the direction of motion and the power lines of gravimagnetic field and inversely proportional to the distance between the bodies in the fifth degree.
