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He finished the list and gave them five minutes to decide. The names of the three planets appeared on the floor in glowing letters. When they had made up their minds, they were to go and stand on the name.

They held a short conference.

“It looks like it’s a tossup between fish and furs,” Ruby said. “I think I’ll take Midplanet. I like furs better than fish.”

They argued a moment longer, then picked up their belongings and went and stood on the luminous letters.


No doubt of it, the carpet made a fairly suitable green, Escher thought. He placed the ball firmly on the nap, stepped back a pace, and tapped it smartly with the golf club. It rolled in a beautifully straight path into the upturned water glass.

“Very nice shot, Claude.”

Escher looked up and leaned the club against the side of the desk.

“I thought so, too,” he agreed. “What brings you here, Mac?”

MacDonald sat down and poured himself a glass of water from the beaker on Escher’s desk.

“Just wanted to pass on the compliments of the Board for the recent large upswing in woman emigrants to the colony planets.”
