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“Very good. Admit them at once, and recall the outer guards. We are leaving immediately.”

As the guard saluted and hurried away, I nodded to Correy. “Have the operating room crew report for duty at once,” I ordered, “and ask Sub-officer Scholey to superintend the sealing of the ports. Mr. Kincaide, will you take the first watch as navigating officer? Lift her easily until we determine our objective and can set a course; this is like shoving off with sealed orders.”

“Worse,” said Hendricks unhappily. “Sealed orders promise something interesting, and—”

“Carlos Inverness and party,” announced the guard from the doorway.

Inverness nodded to me in friendly fashion and indicated his two companions.

“Commander Hanson,” he said, “permit me to present Godar Tipene and Cleve Brady, who are my companions on this expedition.” I bowed, and shook hands with Brady; Tipene was a Zenian, and hence did not offer me this greeting of Earth. Then, quickly, I completed the round of introductions, studying Inverness’s companions with interest as I did so.
