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“Very good. And remember what happens if you play any tricks,” I nodded grimly. “Descend to within a few yards of the ground, Mr. Kincaide; we’ll drop Tipene through the trap.”

Correy hurried the prisoner away, and I ordered the trap in the bottom of the Ertak’s hull to be opened.

“Now,” I informed Tipene, “we’ll let you down and you will establish communication with the Aranians. Tell them you have brought back, not tribute, but an enemy powerful enough to blast their entire city out of existence. It will be a simple matter for you to picture what an atomic grenade or one of the ship’s rays will do. We’ll arrange a little demonstration, if they’re not convinced. And tell them that if they don’t want to be wiped out, to bring Inverness and Brady to us, unharmed, as fast as their eight long legs will manage.”

“They won’t do it,” whined Tipene. “They were very angry over the killing of those others. I’m just risking my life without the possibility of gain.”

“You obey my orders, or you go down and stay there,” I said abruptly. “Which?”
