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Then Clarey stopped looking at the Commissioner. There was a girl sitting next to him, on a high-backed chair like his. Clarey had never seen a U-E girl so close before. Only the Greater Archivists had direct contact with the public, and Clarey wasn’t likely to meet a U-E socially, even if he’d had a social life. The girl was too fabulous for him to think of her as a woman, a female; but he would have liked to have her in his archives, in the glass case with the rare editions.

“Good morning, Sub-Archivist Clarey,” the man said mellowly. “Good of you to come in. There’s rather an unusual position open and the machines tell us you’re the one man who can fill it. Please sit down.” He indicated a small, hard stool.

Clarey remained standing. “I’ve been a perfectly competent Sub-Archivist,” he declared. “If MacFingal has—if there have been any complaints, I should have been told first.”

“There have been no complaints. The reclassification is upward.”

“You mean I’ve made it as a Musician!” Clarey cried, sinking to the hard little stool in joyful atony.
