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He remained absorbed in the phenomena of the local sun. One great prominence, after five days of spectacular existence, divided into two which naturally moved apart and stationed themselves at opposite sides of the sun’s equator. They continued to rotate with the sun itself, giving very much the effect of an incipient pinwheel. Two other minor prominences came into being midway between them. Rhadampsicus watched in fascination.

Nodalictha came and reposed beside him on a gentle slope of volcanic slag. She waited for him to notice her. She would not let herself be sensitive about his interest in his hobby, of course, but she could not really find it absorbing for herself. A trifle wistfully, she sent her thoughts to the female biped on the second planet.

After a while she said in distress, “Rhadampsicus! Oh, they are so unhappy!”

Rhadampsicus gallantly turned his attention from the happenings on the sun.

“What’s that, darling?”

“Look!” said Nodalictha plaintively. “They are so much in love, Rhadampsicus! And they can’t marry because he hasn’t anything edible to share with her!”
