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“Frank Barnes! My chief chemist!”

“Oh.” She looked at him, obviously concerned only with what effect, if any, it might have on her own circumstances. “Why do you have to get mixed up in it?”

“I’m the boss, damn it!” He left her standing there and ran for the garage.

The police were already at the plant when he arrived. Fred’s body lay on the floor of his office, in a corner behind some file cabinets, face up.

“What was it?” Amos asked the man from the coroner’s office, dreading the answer he expected.

The answer wasn’t the one he expected. “Heart attack.”

Amos wondered if they were mistaken. He looked around the office. Things weren’t disarrayed in any way; it looked as if Frank had simply lain down and died. “When did you find him?” he asked the watchman.

“A little after one. The door was closed and the lights were out, but I heard the cat yowling in here, so I came in to let it out, and saw the body.”

“Any family?” one of the city men asked.

“No,” said Amos slowly, “he lived alone. I guess you might as well take him to the ... morgue. When can I call about the autopsy?”
