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“Let go of me!” she ordered in a frostily offended voice.

“Sorry, miss,” the man said politely, “but I think we have a short trip to take.”

She thought for a moment of brazening it out further and then gave up. She’d get a few weeks or months in the local detention building, a probing into her background for the psychological reasons that prompted her to steal, and then she’d be out again.

They couldn’t do anything to her that mattered.

She shrugged and followed the detective calmly. None of the shoppers had looked up. None seemed to notice anything out of the ordinary.

In the detention building she thanked her good luck that she was facing a man for the sentence, instead of one of the puritanical old biddies who served on the bench. She even found a certain satisfaction in the presence of the cigar smoke and the blunt, earthy language that floated in from the corridor.

“Why did you steal it?” the judge asked. He held up the dress, which, she noted furiously, didn’t look nearly as nice as it had under the department store lights.
