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22. Dutta, S., Zbaracki, M.J. & Bergen, M. (2003). Pricing Process as a Capability: A Case Study // Strategic Management Journal. 24(7). Р. 615 –630.

23. Liozu, S.M. & Hinterhuber, A. (2013). CEO Championing of Pricing, Pricing Capabilities and Firm Performance in Industrial Firms // Industrial Marketing Management. 42(4). Р. 633–643.

24. Müller, K.-M. (2012). Underpricing: Wie Kunden über Preise denken. Freiburg: Haufe-Lexware.

25. Simon, H. (2012). How Price Consulting is Coming of Age. In G.E. Smith (Ed.), Visionary Pricing: Reflections and Advances in Honor of Dan Nimer (P. 61–79). London: Emerald.

26. Poundstone, W. (2010). Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value (and How to Take Advantage of It). New York: Hill and Wang.

27. McKenzie, R. (2008). Why Popcorn Costs So Much at the Movies – And other Pricing Principles. New York: Springer Copernicus.

28. Автор неизвестен (2017, January 21). Evian ist Mogelpackung des Jahres. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. S. 18.

29. Menzel, S. (2016). Milliardenstrafe für Lkw-Kartell. http://www.handelsblatt.com/ unternehmen/industrie/eu-bestraft-daimler-und-co-milliardenstrafe-fuer-lkw-kartell/13896088. html. По состоянию на 17 ноября 2016 г.
