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“You’re cruel, Lil! But then I couldn’t think of anything, either. Unless we renounce all our pleasures for the coming four days, and hand the money over to Daisy!”

“Marj, you’re joking?”

“Partly. But just take tonight, for instance: four theatre tickets—that couldn’t be less than ten dollars—a taxi, maybe flowers! No supper afterward, because your mother disapproves, but no doubt she is providing something for us to eat after we get home. I tell you the money we spend in those few hours might keep Betty two or three weeks!”

“But Marj!” remonstrated Lily, “there will always be orphans and poor people in the world, and we can’t renounce all our pleasures on their account. We had better be nuns—”

“Oh, Lil, I’m not scolding you,” put in Marjorie, noticing the girl’s concern. “Of course I wouldn’t really do that—I only said it was the one and only thing that had occurred to me.”

“I could give her some of my allowance,” Lily continued; “if that would help.”

“You’re a perfect dear, Lil!” cried Marjorie, jumping up and putting her arms around her chum’s neck. “But I don’t think that will be necessary. I’m sure we’ll think up some plan. I intend to ask John tonight.”

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