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“Do you see any signs of them?”

“The smoke is enough to show they’re keeping a pretty sharp lookout,” and Captain Mansfield pointed to a thin thread of blue, which had been unnoticed by the boys until this moment. “That is a signal which they started the moment we hove in sight; but it’s dying down, now we’ve shown our intention of running toward them.”

Ten minutes later the boys could distinguish, by aid of the glass, a number of figures on the beach, and Nelse said, with a laugh:

“Andy will be more certain than ever that the voudoos have had a hand in this business when he finds out how many extra men he is obliged to cook for. It looks to me as if there were at least a dozen.”

“Fully as many as that,” Captain Mansfield added, “and we shall be crowded uncomfortably for a while; but, fortunately, Nassau isn’t so far away that we need worry very much about lack of room.”

At this moment the old darkey came on deck, and Gil shouted:

“There’s a whole crowd of them! The voudoos have sent us lots of company.”
