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“Six men rushed headlong to the gunroom, taking immediate possession. Six more went to the clumsy steering apparatus, while Pierre, with the remaining fifteen, hove the morning watch overboard and made for the cabin. On bursting into the captain’s room, Pierre found the worthy Don playing at cards with his officers, and discussing a goodly measure of Madeira.

“Before the captain could speak, the pirates swarmed into the apartment, and covered the group with their pistols. In less than three minutes the prize was theirs. The crew were marooned, and the galleon taken to France, where, she and her cargo quickly disposed of, the buccaneers left with all speed to rendezvous at the Tortuga.

“When the intelligence of this exploit reached the Tortoise, the entire island was thrown into a hubbub. Nothing was thought of but to go buccaneering for galleons. Brig after brig and ship after ship were fitted out, and in a year this species of piracy became a recognized business. Ten years later the Spanish commerce in these waters had been almost entirely destroyed. The sea was forsaken for the richer prizes on land. The rich capital of Campeche was sacked, to be, in turn, followed by Panama, and the curers of beef had become such a power as to attract the attention of every nation.”
