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First and foremost I owe great thanks to the Wiley Blackwell editorial team. As mentioned above the editors have been truly long suffering. The entire team: Haze Humbert, Deirdre Ilkson, Allison Kostka, and Ben Thatcher were instrumental in the final form, content, and appearance of the book. I am grateful to them all for their thoughtful insights. A tremendous number of friends and colleagues were generous with their ideas, suggestions, images, bibliography, and expertise on many areas of Roman art. Listing their names is a sure way to omit someone. Nevertheless, I want to thank in particular Mont Allen, Hilary Becker, Jeffrey Becker, Martha Buckley, Jacquelyn H. Clements, Kathleen Coleman, Nancy de Grummond, John J. Dobbins, Nathan Elkins, Jane DeRose Evans, Garrett Fagan, Pedar Foss, Elise A. Friedland, Andrew Goldman, Alison Griffith, Theresa Huntsman, Juliet Graver Istrabadi, Tyler Lansford, Robyn Le Blanc, Amy K. Leonard, Sarah Levin‐Richardson, Brenda Longfellow, Deborah Lyons, Elizabeth Marlowe, Denise Eileen McCoskey, Stephen Nimis, Aron Ouwerkerk, Ellen Perry, John Pollini, Anton Powell, Francesco Reali, Daniel Resheter, David Romano, Irene Romano, Peter Rose, Gina Salapata, Melanie Grunow Sobocinski, Allison E. Sterrett‐Krause, Lea Stirling, Alessandra Tafaro, Zara Torlone, Francesca Tronchin, Anthony Tuck, Eeva‐Maria Viitanen, and Jeffrey Wilcox.
