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10 Chapter 99.1 Bust of Antoninus Pius, c. 147–149 CE, Rome. Musei Vaticani, Rome. H 2 f...9.2 Bust of Marcus Aurelius as a victorious general, 170–180 CE, Rome. Musei...9.3 Equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius, 176 CE, Rome. Musei Capitolini, Ro...9.4 Bust of Faustina the Younger, c. 147–148 CE, Rome. Musei Capitolini, Rom...9.5 Faustina the Younger, c. 175 CE, Rome. Museo Nazionale Romano Palazzo Ma...9.6 Pediment of Sacellum of the Augustales, Misenum with portrait busts of d...9.7 Funerary portrait of man and woman as Mars and Venus, c. 155 CE, Rome. M...9.8 Bust of unknown man, c. 160–180 CE, Athens. H 32 in (81.3 cm), marble. S...9.9 Funerary bust of Palmyrene woman in high relief, c. 200 CE, Palmyra. Uni...9.10 Bust of Commodus, c. 192 CE, Rome. Musei Capitolini, Rome. H 4 ft (1.22...9.11 Captive province relief from the Hadrianeum, Rome, c. 145 CE. Musei Cap...9.12 Apotheosis scene, base of Column of Antoninus Pius, Rome, 161 CE. Musei...9.13 Military parade scene, base of Column of Antoninus Pius, Rome, 161 CE. ...9.14a and 9.14b Clemency and Triumph panels, Arch of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, ...9.15 Column of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, overview, 180 CE, marble.9.16 Village destruction scene, Column of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, 180 CE, mar...9.17 Storm god scene, Column of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, 180 CE, marble.9.18 Temple of Hadrian, Ephesus, c. 140 CE, marble.9.19 Wall painting of Greek sages, c. 140 CE, Baths of the Seven Sages, Osti...9.20 So‐called tablinum, House of Jupiter and Ganymede, c. 180–190 CE, Ostia...9.21 Wall painting and stucco work, Tomb of the Pancratii, c. 140–180 CE, Vi...9.22 Ceiling painting and stucco work, Tomb of the Pancratii, c. 140–180 CE,...9.23 Black and white mosaic floor from the Baths of Neptune, Ostia, 139 CE. ...9.24 Selene and Endymion sarcophagus, c. 150 CE, Rome. Metropolitan Museum o...9.25 Velletri sarcophagus, c. 135–140 CE, Velletri, Italy. Museo Civico Arch...9.26 Massacre of the Niobids sarcophagus from Rome, c. 160 CE. Munich Glypto...9.27 Meleager sarcophagus, c. 180 CE, Rome. Palazzo Doria Pamphili, Rome. L ...9.28 Portonaccio sarcophagus, c. 180–190 CE, Portonaccio. Museo Nazionale Ro...9.29 Front panel from a child’s sarcophagus, c. 190 CE, eastern Roman world....9.30 Fayum portrait of Aline from Arsinoe (Hawara), Egypt, c. 98–117 CE. Ägy...9.31 Fayum portrait of Antonine woman from Philadelphia, Egypt, c. 160–190 C...9.32 Fayum portrait of a priest of Serapis from Arsinoe (Hawara), Egypt, c. ...9.33 Fayum portrait of Eutyches, freedman of Kasianos from Philadelphia, Egy...9.34 Engraved gem with profile image of Nemesis, c. 150 CE. Sard. 11/16 × 9/...
