Читать книгу The Discovery of Witchcraft. Facts, Fiction & Conspiracy Theories Behind the Medieval Witch Hunt онлайн

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What effect & offense witches charmes bring, how unapt witches are, and how unlikelie to worke those things which they are thought to doo, what would follow if those things were true which are laid to their charge. pag. 218.

Why God forbad the practise of witchcraft, the absurditie of the law of the twelve tables, whereupon their estimation in miraculous actions is grounded, of their woonderous works. pag. 220.

An instance of one arreigned upon the law of the twelve tables, whereby the said law is prooved ridiculous, of two witches that could doo woonders. pag. 221.

Lawes provided for the punishment of such witches as worke miracles, whereof some are mentioned, and of certeine popish lawes published against them. pag. 222.

Poetical authorities commonlie alledged by witchmongers, for the proofe of witches miraculous actions, and for confirmation of their supernaturall power. pag. 223.

Poetrie and poperie compared in inchantments, popish witchmongers have more advantage herein than protestants. pag. 229.
