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The inchanting of serpents & snakes, objections answered concerning the same; fond reasons whie charmes take effect therein, Mahomets pigeon, miracles wrought by an Asse at Memphis in Aegypt, popish charmes against serpents, of miracle-workers, the taming of snakes, Bodins lie of snakes. pag. 249.

Charmes to carrie water in a sive, to know what is spoken of us behind our backs, for bleare eies, to make seeds to growe well, of images made of wax, to be rid of a witch, to hang hir up, notable authorities against waxen images, a storie bewraieng the knaverie of waxen images. pag. 256.

¶ A charme teaching how to hurt whom you list with images of wax, &c. pag. 257.

Sundrie sorts of charmes tending to diverse purposes, and first, certeine charmes to make taciturnitie in tortures. pag. 259.

¶ Counter charmes against these and all other witchcrafts, in the saieng also whereof witches are vexed, &c. A charme for the choine cough. For corporall or spirituall rest. Charmes to find out a theefe. pag. 260. Another/ waie to find out a theefe that hath stolne any thing from you. pag. 261. To put out the theeves eie. Another waie to find out a theefe. pag. 262. A charme to find out or spoile a theefe. S. Adelberts cursse or charme against theeves. pag. 263. Another inchantment. pag. 266.
